
The Fierce Lady

A newborn leopard cub named “Bibi Kali” because of her aggressive nature was entrusted into Daktari Sue’s care. Abandoned by her mother, she had a nasty tear wound across her shoulders.
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Never Give Up

"Stinkie" was Daktari Sue's first wild patient in Kenya (1960's). This newborn rhino had already suffered the heartbreak of losing everything in her world that mattered most.
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The Courageous Genet

Daktari Sue and Alicat the genet 24 days after the operation. Poor Ali, he had been in a very bad way indeed.
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Rhino Rider

One mg of the M99 drug could stop a 4-ton rhino within some 10 minutes or even sooner. To show the world that a white rhinoceros can be made safe and still, Daktari Sue was asked if she would mind getting on a rhino’s back for a photograph.
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Down but never out

Life as a vet in Africa during the 1960s was never dull. Daktari Sue was part of the ground-breaking world of the immobilisation of large animals in the wild.
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Boy oh Boy

George Adamson’s favourite lion, Boy, had life-threatening injuries inflicted by a buffalo and porcupine; a six-hour operation subsequently took place.  Daktari Sue accompanied a deeply asleep Boy in a light aircraft bound for Lake Naivasha.
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Making Surgical History

Daktari Sue and her husband made wild animal surgical history by performing a pioneering operation on Ugas of "Born Free" fame.
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Not so Whity

Joy and George discussing the condition of an injured young cheetah called Whity who was suffering from radial paralysis.
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Father of Lions

George Adamson was killed 33 years ago in an ambush a few miles from his isolated camp in northern Kenya. He was on his way to pick up visitors when his Land Rover was attacked by gunfire from three Somali bandits.
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